2023 Year in Review

2023 hasn’t been a year for writing. Or for a lot of intentional photography. My priorities focused heavily on people and experiences, and I’m happy about that. I shot significantly more in 2023, but they were largely snapshots. 5,460 iPhone photos vs. 2,576 A7R3 photos. I subscribe to the notion that the best camera is... Continue Reading →

Tattoo shoot with Marissa

Marissa wanted to do a shoot to highlight her tattoos, and I was 100% on board. I've always been a fan of awesome and meaningful ink, and now that I rent an office I have a good indoor place to shoot (it was damn cold last week.) Lily assisted as a stylist, and we lit... Continue Reading →

52 Portraits Update

I've had other things on my mind the past few months, but I did manage to add a few portraits to the project last weekend. 11-16 are in the books now. As always, head over to 52.daniel.photo to see the full gallery, and get in touch if you're in Central Montana or Portland and want... Continue Reading →

52 Portraits : 13/52

If you’ve spent any time in downtown Great Falls, you’ve probably seen Jenn and her laptop working on an article. She runs The Electric Great Falls, and she does a kick-ass job of reporting things that matter to Great Falls.

A Year in Pictures: 2019

It's that time of year again. Breaking down a few stats from my Lightroom library to see what's what. I already know I took fewer photos this year--it's been a weird year for me photographically speaking. This is something I plan to change in 2020 Camera Use The first thing I always look at is... Continue Reading →

52 Portraits

I've done the 52 week projects before. I've done the 365 projects. Most of the time, they were disappointing. I'd realize at the last moment that I hadn't shot a photo for the week or day and end up just grabbing some random emotionless shot to satisfy the requirements of the project. I'm not letting... Continue Reading →

Flickr, SmugMug, and WordPress

Flickr Back in 2005, I signed up for an account on Flickr. I wanted to be able to share albums of photos with friends and family, and Flickr did that incredibly well. Eventually, I started making photos public, and discovered the Flickr community. I’ve had exactly one photo make it to Explore, and that was... Continue Reading →

Neewer LED Lights

I've always been a fan of constant lighting. Now that we can get LED light panels with adjustable color temperatures, I like it even more. I've been looking for some inexpensive LED panels for awhile, and of course Neewer came through. If you've never owned Neewer equipment, it's worth taking a look at. They're "good... Continue Reading →

2018 in Photos

UPDATE 9/2019: The move from Squarespace to WordPress broke a few things. In this particular instance, the pretty graphs that Squarespace provides. I'm working on a solution, but until then, this post will not make a lot of sense. 🙂 It's that time of year again. Time to get geeky with the numbers from 2018.... Continue Reading →

Kayla and Coffee

I never have quite as much time as I'd like when I visit Portland. So instead of big shoots that require driving and setup and all that, we opted for something simple this time. Ava Roasteria has a great location in Progress Ridge next to a large pond. There are outdoor tables on the west... Continue Reading →

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