Working From a Home Office

I don't talk much about my day job, though I may start in the next few months. I manage marketing content for several hundred digital signage units across the country. For the past few years, I've been doing this from home.ScheduleInitially I got up, walked a few feet, and plopped down in my office chair... Continue Reading →

TUESDAY TIPS: Evernote for Portfolios

Portfolios are important in many different professions. Whether you’re a photographer, designer, stylist, make up artist, or model, at some point you’re going to want to display your work so others can decide if you’re the right fit for their project. A couple times a year, I spend time at Paul Mitchell the School Portland talking to students about how Evernote can help them build their portfolios, and I thought the information might help others get started with their own work. This is just a basic outline—use it as a starting point, and make it work for you.


This is part three in a series I started awhile ago. If you haven't read the Av (Aperture) and Tv (Shutter Speed) posts yet, feel free to do so now.Av - ApertureTv - Shutter SpeedThe Short VersionThe Av setting controls the aperture, or the size of the hole that lets light hit the sensor on... Continue Reading →

Evernote Holiday Photography Hangout

Just in case you haven't heard, I'll be doing a Google Hangout with a few of the Evernote folks, and talking about how to improve your holiday photography. If you haven't already, join the Evernote Holiday Notebook, grab a PDF of tips for taking pictures during the holiday season, and sign up to join the... Continue Reading →

Photo Library Organization and Maintenance

Folder Structure/Naming Conventions If you've been taking digital photos for awhile, you've probably discovered that eventually, a method for naming/storing them is helpful. I've had a system in place for years now that has worked for me regardless of how I chose to organize my photos. When I got my first digital camera, I was on... Continue Reading →

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