Canon imageFORMULA P-215 Winner

A big CONGRATULATIONS to Natalie L for winning the Canon imageFORMULA P-215 scanner giveaway! She mentioned that she might write a little blurb about how she plans to use the scanner to become paperless, so keep an eye out... She may have ideas you haven't thought of yet. And an equally sized thank you to everyone... Continue Reading →

Last Chance to Win a Canon P-215 Scanner

Just in case you missed the previous two posts, Canon was awesome enough to provide an imageFORMULA P-215 to me for a giveaway. Entering is simple, and instructions are at the bottom of the original contest post. Last Tuesday, I suggested 5 things you could do with the P-215. How about 5 more? Fashion conscious? Tear out magazine... Continue Reading →

Canon P-215 Scanner Review

One of my goals (I don't do resolutions,) for 2013 is to become as paperless as possible. If you really want to see how paperless you can become with Evernote's help, read Jamie Rubin's blog. Jamie is Evernote's Paperless Ambassador, and his blog is full of awesome ideas. Photographers accumulate paper. Release forms, contracts, receipts,... Continue Reading →

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