Microsoft Surface Pro 4 and the Apple Mouse

This will be a bit of a detour from the normal posts. And it might be a surprise to those of you who know me and my affinity for all things Apple.

I use a Microsoft Surface Pro 4. The why is probably best saved for a future post, but the short version is that I wanted a tablet that functioned like an actual computer. I love my iPad, but I can only do so much with it. And Windows 10 isn't _horrible_.

With the Surface, I bought the Microsoft keyboard cover. It isn't _horrible_ either. But I'm not a fan of the trackpad. I guess I've been spoiled by the trackpads on my MacBooks. Since I have a nest of Apple Magic Mice roaming around my office, I wanted to use one of them instead of going out and buying a new mouse.

Working From a Home Office

I don't talk much about my day job, though I may start in the next few months. I manage marketing content for several hundred digital signage units across the country. For the past few years, I've been doing this from home.ScheduleInitially I got up, walked a few feet, and plopped down in my office chair... Continue Reading →

Flickr for iOS: Auto Upload

Auto-upload I’ve posted before about the best ways to get photos from your iPhone to your computer if you don’t use iPhoto or Aperture. Dropbox’s auto-upload feature is still my favorite method of doing that. But what if I want to skip the computer altogether? I use the Flickr app’s auto-upload feature. Honestly, I can’t... Continue Reading →

Fourth of July Photo Tips

'Tis the season to gather friends and family for BBQ, laughter, and blowing stuff up in honor of our freedom. Here are some quick tips on how to make sure you accurately record the festivities with your camera. People Crank up that ISO. Higher ISO means you might be able to snap away without a... Continue Reading →


This is part three in a series I started awhile ago. If you haven't read the Av (Aperture) and Tv (Shutter Speed) posts yet, feel free to do so now.Av - ApertureTv - Shutter SpeedThe Short VersionThe Av setting controls the aperture, or the size of the hole that lets light hit the sensor on... Continue Reading →

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