Winter Things

Playing a little catch up with the winter weather we’ve been having. Finally got to go skiing--might be the only time this year, so we made the most of it. As I'm writing this, it's 50ºF outside, so that might be the end of winter. This is Montana, though, so we could get an epic... Continue Reading →

Spring Showers in Montana

It’s not unusual to get snow in April, but I’m over it. Looking forward to spring rain and slightly warmer temperatures. I’ve got a whole list of things to get done around the house this summer, and I’m itching to get started.

Teton Pass Area

My buddy Steve needed a Christmas tree, so we headed up towards Teton Pass to find one. Of course we brought the cameras. I think I've mentioned this before on this site, but when I was a kid I never really ventured north of Great Falls. I missed out on all this beauty for years.... Continue Reading →

Wolf Creek Canyon Ice

My buddy Steve mentioned that he was going to run down to the Hardy Creek Bridge area of the canyon to shoot the ice blocks on the Missouri. The weather was perfect, so I headed over there with him. I've driven through this canyon that runs between Great Falls and Helena a million times, and... Continue Reading →


For the past 20 years, I've been suffering through Portland "winters". Basically 6-9 months of solid gray skies and rain. When we did get a day or two of snow in the metro area, the whole city would shut down. Now that I'm back in Montana, I love every single damn snowflake. I woke up... Continue Reading →

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