Free Wallpaper – June 2021

Use the buttons below to download the June wallpaper A few days late, but the June wallpaper has been uploaded. This is a shot of the crystal clear water at Giant Springs in Great Falls, MT. Definitely worth visiting if you're in the area. PHONE TABLET COMPUTER If you want to browse all the free... Continue Reading →

Wolf Creek Canyon Ice

My buddy Steve mentioned that he was going to run down to the Hardy Creek Bridge area of the canyon to shoot the ice blocks on the Missouri. The weather was perfect, so I headed over there with him. I've driven through this canyon that runs between Great Falls and Helena a million times, and... Continue Reading →

South Shore Trail

When I was in high school, I would drive out along Giant Springs Road and park by the railroad bridge. There was usually something interesting down the hill by the water--a shopping cart, a bike, etc. I don't remember there ever being trailheads, though. It's entirely possible they were there, but my teenage self was... Continue Reading →

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