Some Sunsets Don’t Work

I put the bird in the air tonight, hoping to catch an epic sunset. Sadly, the sunset fizzled out with barely any color. I still got a great aerial view of Ulm, MT. I really like the top down shot of the gas station. Now that the weather is better, expect more aerial shots…

Wolf Creek Canyon Ice

My buddy Steve mentioned that he was going to run down to the Hardy Creek Bridge area of the canyon to shoot the ice blocks on the Missouri. The weather was perfect, so I headed over there with him. I've driven through this canyon that runs between Great Falls and Helena a million times, and... Continue Reading →

New Courthouse Photos

Had the opportunity to fly the courthouse today. Beautiful blue skies and a shiny copper dome. New photos on the courthouse project page. Shot a few seconds of video while I was up there, too. Playing around with the Point of Interest flight option on the Mavic.

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